How to Make a DIY Pool Heater in 4 Easy Steps (2024)

Room Design

Outdoor Spaces


Ralph Tarulli

How to Make a DIY Pool Heater in 4 Easy Steps (1)

Ralph Tarulli

Ralph Tarulli is a pools and construction expert with 7+ years' experience working on pools, and 10+ years' experience in commercial construction. He has 15 professional certifications and is pursuing a career in building engineering.

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Updated on 08/15/23

In This Article

  • How a DIY Pool Heater Works

  • Instructions

  • When to Call a Professional

Project Overview

  • Working Time:1 - 4 hrs
  • Total Time:1 - 4 hrs
  • Skill Level:Beginner
  • Estimated Cost:$50

One very common way pool owners can extender their pool season is adding aheater. Going the traditional route involves permits, gas lines, electric lines, excavation, and re-plumb pool lines. It can quickly become a large expense. A simpler and more affordable way to heat your pool is buy making a DIY pool heater.

Here is a step-by-step guide to how to make a simple solar-powered DIY pool heater.

How Does a DIY Pool Heater Work?

A DIY pool heater uses the heat from the sun to warm water in a hose that then goes into your pool.

These instructions teach you how to make a simple solar pool heater that will be compatible with any kind of pool and won’t interfere with any existing pool machinery that may already be in place.

The success of your solar pool heater depends on the amount of solar exposure in your area. The warmth and efficiency of your DIY pool heater is affected by sun exposure, so placement is extremely important.


Always be sure to wear and use proper safety materials such asgoggles, gloves, long sleeves and long pants while working with any hand or power tools.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Hacksaw
  • Knife
  • Screwdriver


  • Hose clamp
  • 2 Black hose or garden hose
  • Submersible pump or cover pump
  • Plywood
  • Screws


How to Make a DIY Pool Heater in 4 Easy Steps (3)

How to Build a DIY Pool Heater

There are many ways to create the area where the sun will hit and heat up the water in the hose. Often this can be done with just supplies lying around your house. Our preferred method, detailed below, uses a sheet of plywood and screws.

  1. Connect the Hose to the Pump

    Connect the garden hose (or other black hose) to the pump with a hose clamp and drop the other end of the hose into the pool. Make sure that the hose is connected to the outlet side of the pump.

    If it is a submersible pump, you can then drop the pump right in the pool to gather water and leave the end of the hose outside of the pool.

    By the end of this step, the pump and hose should be connected with one end of the hose sticking out of the water.


    When you choose a hose for a DIY pool heater, it's better to choose one that is on the longer side. The longer the hose is, the more area your heater will have.

    How to Make a DIY Pool Heater in 4 Easy Steps (4)

  2. Put Screws Into the Plywood

    Next you’ll make the solar surface where the water will warm up in the hose before travelling to the pool. For this you need plywood that is at least 3x3 feet big.

    Mark out two rows about 1 to 2 inches from opposing edges of the board. Put screws in those rows about 2 inches apart.

    How to Make a DIY Pool Heater in 4 Easy Steps (5)

  3. Wrap the Hose

    Take the hose coming from the pump and wrap it around each screw, crossing the board after each wrap. It will end up in a zigzag, in a pattern similar to the shoelaces on a sneaker.

    How to Make a DIY Pool Heater in 4 Easy Steps (6)

  4. Place the Board in the Sun

    With the knowledge that the hose on the board will need to be heated, place the board in a very sunny spot. The sun hitting the board will naturally heat up the water in the hose, so that by the time it goes completely through the hose and exit back into the pool, you’ve got warm water waiting for you.

    How to Make a DIY Pool Heater in 4 Easy Steps (7)

When to Call a Professional

If you complete this DIY and your pool is still cold or not as warm as you would like, you might need to bite the bullet and get a non-solar pool heater. Call and get a professional opinion on how to meet your goal for pool warmth and what your options are based on your specific pool setup.

6 Ways to Heat an Above-Ground Pool

How to Make a DIY Pool Heater in 4 Easy Steps (2024)


How to Make a DIY Pool Heater in 4 Easy Steps? ›

This may be one of the most simple but clever ways to heat your pool. Simply purchase a black garden hose and connect it to the outside water spigot. Ensure your hose is in direct sunlight, wrapped in a coil shape to maximize its surface area (while still reaching your spigot and pool).

How do I heat my pool DIY? ›

This may be one of the most simple but clever ways to heat your pool. Simply purchase a black garden hose and connect it to the outside water spigot. Ensure your hose is in direct sunlight, wrapped in a coil shape to maximize its surface area (while still reaching your spigot and pool).

How to heat a pool quickly? ›

To warm up your pool water quickly, you can use a pool heater. Pool heaters are effective to warm up the water in your pool quickly. There are different types of heaters you can buy, depending on your budget and the size of your pool. Two examples are a heat exchanger and a heat pump.

How to heat your pool for free? ›

All you need is a black garden hose and some direct sunlight. Simply lay the hose out in the sun and let the water inside heat up. Once the water is hot, connect the hose to your pool's water intake and let the heated water flow into the pool.

Can I use a black tarp to heat my pool? ›

A black tarp will indeed heat your pool. Black absorbs more heat than other colors. This heat will transfer down to the water in your pool and help increase the temperature. It will not be extremely effective at raising the overall temperature, but it can help maintain the current temperature.

How to heat a pool with fire? ›

Cold pool water is pumped from the pool via the submersible pump into a 50 foot coil of copper pipe mounted above the fire inside the pit/ grill. By the time the water makes it out of the pipe, the fire has heated the water. This is similar to how a standard hot water heater works.

Will black garbage bags heat my pool? ›

Black trash bags can heat the pool because their color allows them to absorb a significant amount of sunlight, creating heat that is then transferred to the pool water.

How to warm pool water without a heater DIY? ›

The black hose trick is just one of many ways solar is used to help heat a pool. Often a coil of black plastic tubing is either laid out on a deck, a roof or a patio cover, or even buried in the pool decking. The sun heats the tubing and water flowing through it. The resulting warm water helps heat the pool.

How do I get hot water in my pool? ›

To quickly heat up your swimming pool, electric heat exchangers work better and faster than the solar methods explained above. They contain a corrosion-resistant heating element made from titanium. The electricity heats the resistor, which in turn transfers the heat to the water flowing past the resistance.

How can I heat my pool without sun? ›

In this article, we discuss different ways in which you can heat your swimming pool without using the sun.
  1. Gas Heater. Gas heaters heat your swimming pool by burning either propane or natural gas. ...
  2. Air-Source Heat Pump. ...
  3. Water-Source Heat Pump. ...
  4. Solar Blanket.
Oct 4, 2013

Will a blue tarp heat a pool? ›

Dark Blue Pool Covers

But although heat absorption is higher with a darker colored solar cover, the net heat gained during the day is less than with clear covers. Thus, a clear pool cover would be the best to use for heat gain, and a dark blue color would be the best option for heat retention.

What color tarp keeps heat in? ›

White is the best color tarp to reflect heat. Black and dark gray tarps absorb sunlight, rather than reflect it. That makes them idea for applications where you need to keep objects cool, without snow-blinding everyone looking at the outside of the tarp.

Does bubble wrap heat water? ›

The big benefit of any pool cover is to stop evaporative losses. To some degree, transparent (bubble wrap) covers allow light, radient heat, to pass through. If the bubble gets warm then there will be a convective heat gain as well.

How do I make myself warm in the pool? ›

How to Stay Warm When Swimming in Cold Water
  1. Neoprene vests and base layers. Neoprene vests and base layers add a thin layer of warmth around your core and make a long cold swim much more realistic. ...
  2. Neoprene Gloves and Socks. ...
  3. Neoprene Swim Caps. ...
  4. Goggles. ...
  5. Swim Safety Float.
Apr 23, 2020

What is the economical way to heat a swimming pool? ›

Cost Effective Ways to Heat Your Pool
  1. DIY Solar Pool Heater. -Buy a black garden hose long enough to stretch from your pool pump to direct sunlight with 50-100 feet to spare. ...
  2. Solar Cover. ...
  3. Solar Rings. ...
  4. Liquid Solar Cover. ...
  5. Windproof Pool Enclosure. ...
  6. Heat Pump.
Jan 12, 2023

Can I use a tankless water heater for my pool? ›

In conclusion, a portable tankless hot water heater is a great addition to any pool owner's collection, not only for keeping your pool clean and maintaining good hygiene. Eccotemp portable outdoor showers offer convenience, flexibility, cost-effectiveness, ease of use, and multi-purpose functionality.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.