Spellbound - Chapter 10 - kiminikii - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)

Chapter Text

“I’m sorry Taehyung…” Si-U trailed as the portal closed behind him, the infinity mage and his familiar now in the headmistress’ dimmed office at the academy; a blinding white portal standing mere inches away from them, brightening the otherwise dark, celestial space. The magic of the gateway excelled such glaring and powerful light, Tae couldn’t make out if anyone was standing on the other side, watching and waiting for his arrival.

“It’s not your fault…” he murmured, voice low and void of emotion, unable to find in it himself to be anything but empty as he gazed at the vortex; not even the tingling sensation of his magic thrumming in his previously dormant veins could subdue the demons remerging from the prison they’ve been banished to decades ago.

“Keep Yeontan with you, please. I’ll be back… eventually.” he whispered, carefully placing the sleepy Hellion in Si-U’s open arms, the pup whining about not wanting his master to go alone but Tae knew the familiar wouldn’t be much help if he was falling asleep.

“Be careful Taehyung.” Si-U pleaded as she gently held Yeontan close to her. The infinity mage nodded, bracing himself as he turned and stepped through the portal, sealing mere seconds after he passed through.

Taehyung’s eyes blinked rapidly as they adjusted to the intense light flowing through the space, horrid memories passing through his mind as that stinging hatred he thought he buried began to burn once more as he navigated the polished abode. Their sanctuary was just as he remembered; white and pristine, with no ounce of ‘impurities’ to be seen, the occasional speckle of gold gracing its presence here and there as it outlined patterns in the room or highlighted deity names who had once ruled the cosmos before the current monarchs. Taehyung rolled his eyes as he read their names and saw their faces, knowing they’ve all been corrupted from the start even if they claimed to have ‘good’ intentions for the universe. All of them were a load of useless hypocrites. He scoffed as perused through the halls, heels clicking loudly as he strolled atop the marble floors, hands tucked into his pockets as charter in all languages began to waft around him. Though he heard their voices, no physical beings were present; their echoes ricocheting through the chamber like wind, present in one moment and gone the next, they gave him a headache. As the thrumming in his brain began to pester him, Taehyung strolled deeper, passing through an arched doorway held up by marbled columns to the one room he’s dreaded since his very first day in this retched place: the grand hall. The council’s insignia was proudly engraved in the center of the floor, though nothing was to be proud of with eons of bloodshed stained upon a corrupt set of ‘royals.’ The columns by the entrance continued as they outlined the entire room, lifting the tall ceilings of the space, only stopping once they hit the beautiful constellations above, the stars fluttering through the glass and into the abode. His eyes drifted from the celestial bodies to the multiple spheres peacefully floating at the top of the room, showcasing the many realms of the universe as they spun on their axis, providing the council with complete oversight of them. Taehyung’s eyes narrowed at the thought as he stopped inches away from the center of the room, feet defacing the golden insignia embedded in it as the voices immediately silenced, sensing his presence.

The mage wasn’t fazed by the deafening silence, vibrant eyes sharply observing every miniscule movement as the deities sat atop their porcelain thrones; the spheres of the universe gracefully dancing above them. With hands remaining tucked in his pockets, he merely raised a brow at the beings before him, refusing to give them an ounce of respect for all they’ve done and their unwillingness to let him lead his own life.

A loud, snarky chuckle escaped one of the members, his lanky being stretching as he rose to his feet, “No hello Taehyung-ssi? You’ve been gone for quite some time. Ten years is nothing to take lightly. Don’t we deserve a greeting from our favorite pet?” he asked, voice challengingly taunting as he descended the marble steps to reach him.

Taehyung growled, “You all lost all greetings the minute you decided to use me as your vessel in enacting unspeakable war crimes. So, forgive me if I seem a bit resentful to say hello.” He spat, drawing out his monotone voice as he glared at the councilman, despising being there in their presence; and everyone knew.

Hoon tsked, taking two more strides till he was in front of the mage; Taehyung wasn’t intimidated by him, but he was surprised when the elder raised a clawed hand to strike him harshly across the face. Sharpness tingled throughout Taehyung’s cheek as heat pooled beneath his skin, making the mage stumble backward as thick drops of golden blood oozed from the wound while electrical shocks coursed through him, making the mage cry in pain; the burn from the magic eating at him violently as he tried to regain his balance.

“You insolent c*nt! Have you retained nothing of what we taught you?!”

Tae dryly chuckled as the pain began to subside, “I’ve retained plenty,” he huffed, catching his breath, “But respect for you? Perhaps I need another lesson or two.” he sneered; voice laced in mockery as he glared at the deity, face sore from the attack as blood pooled from the open gash. But Tae knew that simple act was akin to mercy from the councilman; it was nothing compared to what Hoon could truly do. Yet he wasn’t afraid, willingly shielding that child who shouldered all that pain and suffering for years.

Hoon seethed, raising a now glowing hand that thrummed with power, to harm the younger once more with added vigor. Tae braced for the ongoing attack, yet a booming voice from the High Councilwoman had him stopping in his tracks. “Now’s not the time to realign the mage’s behavior, Hoon, we have more pressing matters to attend to.”

Hoon stuttered to a stop, the glow thrumming in his clawed palm faltering as he turned toward her, “My apologies high councilwoman…” he expressed; tail tucked between his legs as he shot Taehyung one last glare before retreating up the steps back to his throne.

Taehyung turned his attention from Hoon to the being in charge, her expression just as emotionless as his own. “Sun-Hee.” Taehyung spat.

“Taehyung.” She scorned.

“Why have you summoned me? Need me to decimate another society? Or imprison yet another group of innocents merely for your pleasure?” He mocked, knowing there’s no way she could impose such a thing now that the times have changed; though he wouldn’t be surprised if she tried.

“No, and while I would like to address your ten-year absence, there are far more important matters to attend to.”

Tae’s raised a bored eyebrow as his arms crossed over his torso, “Like?”

“The barrier, it cracked.”

Taehyung’s entire demeanor immediately shifted, skin paling as a sheer cold washed over him.

“Show me.” He demanded, golden eyes turning serious as he stepped closer to the thrones, one of the universal spheres, the smallest of the bunch, lowering from the ceiling to sit before the infinity mage.

“Mere hours ago, while we were setting the Aradans up for their celestial readjustment, an absolute force more powerful than anything we’ve ever seen echoed throughout the entire universe; hitting ten realms during its wake and only stopping once it reached Terra’s domain. The damage was minimal throughout the realms hit yet to the barrier it was catastrophic. The crack birthed from the impact now takes about a fourth of the seal and is already beginning to slowly stem in opposing directions…” she trailed, the sphere of the twentieth realm now glowing mauve as it showcased the barrier Taehyung created to end the war over a decade ago.

The memories from then swarmed Taehyung’s mind; it was a brutal time for everyone but for the infinity mage it was pure torture. At the ripe age of eleven he was subjected to war, his innocent and naïve mind tasked with putting an end to the Hellions as they’d been corrupted by ‘darkness’, as the council had put it. At first, Taehyung obeyed, not knowing any better as he was merely a child. However, after years of being on the front lines he realized that there was more to the Hellions than what met the eye. When the fighting was subdued for a mere day or two, Taehyung would sneak into the realm and try to conduct research to understand why the Hellions were suddenly rebelling with some going berserk out of nowhere and turning into terrifying beasts.

After three long and brutal years, Taehyung learned two things about his so-called enemies. The first was that most of his teachings on the Hellions were wrong; though they were a powerful race that excelled in evolution and bonding magic— the very reason why their elite members were indoctrinated as familiars for equally powerful beings of the magic universe— they were far more than mere vessels needed to excel a being’s magical powers. They were empathetic, intelligent, and peaceful beings who had grown fearful of the chaos unfolding in their home. And the second, was that the Hellions weren’t necessarily corrupted by ‘darkness’ at all, as the council had put it. It was far worse than that. Taehyung learned that the very reason the Hellions were going berserk was because an evil unlike any other was running rampant through the realm, unable to be contained or controlled as it corrupted everything it touched, turning every host consumed by its shadows into mindless beasts who sought nothing but endless destruction.

This was the reason for the outbreak and the cause of war.

With time and resources running out, and another year of fighting lost, Taehyung had promised the remaining Hellions that he’d find a cure only to fail. On that fateful day, Taehyung was too weak to use magic, worn from the battle at hand and was faced with another onslaught of corrupt beings itching for his demise. He’s not entirely sure what had happened, but he could feel the air around him slowly come to a halt, time stilling as his body began to glow with a powerful array of magic. A glow beaming with every color known to man erupted out of him, banishing the beasts back inside the realm they came from as they were sealed within it. It took everything his fifteen-year-old self had in him to enact, accidentally creating an enchantment so powerful that even legendary masters of magic wouldn’t be able to conjure it. He recalled the emptiness he felt after the barrier was completed, the seal glittering before him as every nerve in his body was screaming in fiery pain. Though he didn’t initially accomplish his mission, the deed was done. With blood stained on his adolescent hands and what little strength he had left, he fled, disappearing without a trace, fearful of what he had done and guilty of not doing more.

Even though he spent the better half of the next ten years searching for his parents to distract himself from the massacre he unwillingly led, he also continuously searched for a way to defeat the corrupt overwhelming the twentieth realm; hoping that one day he could fulfill his promise and heal the domain once and for all.

Yet he never did.

Now as he heard Sun-Hee emotionlessly state that the barrier had cracked, alarms rang loudly in his ears as Taehyung’s vibrant golden eyes ingested the sight before him. The beautiful multi-colored and lustrous barrier encapsulating the Hellion realm now exhaled a low light as the crack glowed vividly from within; the white fracture barely splitting into other rifts though the possibility of it pursuing grew by the second.

“What was the cause of this?” he insisted, sun-kissed eyes rising to meet Sun-Hee’s vivid white orbs, not caring for the blood that dripped from his cheek onto the universal orb; seeking nothing but answers.

“Our sentinels investigated across all corners of the cosmos but couldn’t uncover the source of the fracture. Something quite powerful caused this, perhaps something akin to yourself, Taehyung-ssi.”

He scoffed, “You and I know that’s impossible Sun-Hee. Besides I wasn’t even anywhere near the barrier nor using my magic for the past six hours; it wasn’t me.” He spat, knowing that she was trying to blame him for this, but he had an alibi and witnesses even if he illegally went to the mortal realm for a night.

“You were the one who created the barrier after all.”

“And yet it wasn’t me who caused this!” He stressed, “Everyone in this damn room knows that I didn’t even intend to create the seal and trap an entire realm within it! It was involuntary and it can’t be tied to any spell out there. It’s – my power is too great for any mage to replicate, even for you.” He sneered.

Sun-Hee remained silent as Taehyung’s gaze drifted back to the rift, eyes darting in all directions as he tattooed the image to memory. “Yes, something powerful parallel to myself would’ve been needed to conduct this split in the seal but did you perhaps consider that something inside the realm could’ve caused this?”

“Impossible! The Hellions don’t have such power!” Hoon exclaimed, to which Taehyung rolled his eyes, that sensation he felt earlier at the club faintly bubbling within him; the mage growing tired of the councilman’s sh*tty attitude and the growing thrum in his skull.

“They might not have ten years ago. Though as with every being blessed with magic, mastery of one’s abilities and the strength that comes with it greatens given enough time. Wouldn’t you agree?” He asked with a smirk, enjoying the fuming expression boiling on Hoon’s face.

“How would you even know for sure!? Hellions are nothing more than pests whose only gain is to amplify their master’s abilities. They’re vessels! And that’s all they’ll ever be! Besides it’s not like anyone can simply go in and see for themselves! You sealed the realm and access to any materials needed for casting a portal!” Hoon yelled, making Taehyung growl, red dusting his irises as the pressure around him grew intimidating as he turned his whole body toward the councilman, furious by his words.

Hoon and those around him jumped at the sight of Taehyung’s new ruby orbs, trembling as the mage stomped over to them, stopping before another council member’s throne but with eyes locked onto Hoon. “You seem to really think that misguided envy of yours will eventually get you somewhere, huh Hoon? But you’re wrong. I’m no longer a little kid that can be pushed around and be brainwashed to meet your every demand.” Taehyung snarled, “I’ve seen every corner of this blasted universe, their realm included, unlike you who continues to suck his thumb atop his plastic throne. If you had a fraction of the knowledge you claim to have, you would know that there are ways to enter a realm without having the ability of making a portal. The twentieth realm is unique because it has many spots of strong magic that can create a rift akin to a vortex to access the realm without needing resources from the other side to birth it. It’s tricky and requires both a powerful incantation from masterful mages and immense concentration to activate these rifts. But it’s not impossible. So, before you decide to use your worthless mouth to keep yourself atop this high horse of yours, perhaps you should use your brain you ignorant f*ck!” Taehyung cursed, slamming a closed fist atop the marble desk, breaking it into pieces within seconds and sending a wave of power so strong through it that a fissure of jagged spikes birthed from the ground, speeding through the entire room with immense force, only stopping once it hit the opposing wall, clashing against it with a loud boom as it ceased it’s spread; leaving nothing but menacing cracks in its wake.

Taehyung was seething with anger, knowing full well that the sensation wouldn’t leave till he was out of this blasted hell hole. With quick work in trying to calm himself down, and a pounding headache, he turned his crimson gaze toward Sun-Hee who watched on with little amusem*nt.

“Have your sentinels investigate the ancient texts of Mosborn in the universal library of the twelfth realm and find the spells he created to enter any realm undetected through select rifts of magic throughout the universe; along with the materials and magical artifacts needed to successfully conjure it. Even though I’ve unintentionally sealed the realm ten years ago, the magical crevices surrounding the realm should still be active to aid us in finding answers. Once you’ve successfully opened a pathway, you may call upon me again. Only then will I be expecting to hear from you.”

Sun-Hee said nothing, simply staring at him with cold eyes but Taehyung couldn’t care anymore; turning to leave as his business was done.

“You insolent brat! f*ck you!” Hoon screamed after the mage, but he didn’t turn back. Tae quickly used his magic to bring a stone from the Lumos realm, one embedded in his collection, into his palm; his ruby eyes painted in fury as he crushed the stone in hand and used his inky fingers to paint a portal to the realm, needing to relinquish himself of his anger and this corrupt council.

Sun-Hee watched as many of the council members began conversing aloud, chaos now wafting through the hall because of Taehyung; chaos that could’ve been avoided if they tightened their leash years ago.

“Who does that kid think he is!?”

“He’s insane! Akin to those he sealed away!”

“Did you see his eyes?! They were red!”

“And that power! How dare he raise a hand to us!”

“Such a disobedient mage! He needs to remember his f*cking place and who made him!”

Though a voice cut through the chaos, “Sun-Hee, your greatness, if I may,” Hoon began, “We must address the issues surrounding Taehyung immediately! We all are aware of the imperativeness of tending to the crack in the barrier, but what use is it if we can’t even get our own pet under control! He’s grown too powerful over the past decade and if we don’t act, he could find the clarity he needs to overthrow us! We must act, and we must do it now!” Everyone in the room shouted in agreement, the chaos growing tenfold as demanding voices overlapped with one another.

“Silence!” Sun-Hee exclaimed, the ruckus vibrating in the chamber dying in seconds, “Dree,” she began, a woman seated a few chairs down from Hoon perked upon hearing her name, “Your squad along with Haeun’s will accompany the sentinels on their journey to the twelfth realm to search for the ancient texts of Mosborn. It will take all of you to uncover the passages hidden deep within the library’s archives, but it’s imperative you find them so we may seek answers. Sarea, Yuki, and Woo your teams are tasked with taking to the ten realms hit by this unknown force and gathering witness statements of the ordeal. We’ll need all the information we can muster to truly pinpoint exactly what caused this divide; whether Taehyung is right or wrong remains to be seen. Meanwhile Hoon will be tasked with creating a spell undetectable to our prized mage so we may keep an eye on him. He has indeed grown too powerful and without proper control, he may grow corrupt just like those he imprisoned while simultaneously becoming so strong that we may be unable to stop him should he try to overthrow everything we’ve worked generations to uphold. This cannot happen so we must act quickly and quietly. Should Taehyung catch whiff of this coup we’ll all be decimated!” she stressed, releasing a breath before recomposing herself,

“Everyone in this council is dismissed. I expect to hear status reports within one week, do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, High Councilwoman!”


“I don’t know guys something doesn’t feel right…” Jimin stated as the six of them strolled through the indigo halls of the academy, feeling empty without having their seventh member with them.

“What do you mean Jimin-ah? He literally left a note.” Jin said as they walked through a pair of glass doors into the academy’s courtyard; a giant, white-barked tree shining brightly sat in the center, its navy leaves shading those seated beneath it. The group traversed the stone path towards the tree, it being their main hang out spot on campus other than their dorms of course.

“Besides we’re going to see him today anyway. Hobi and Jungkook have class with him in a few hours and then we can debut him as part of our group at lunch, just like you wanted.” Jin restated as the group got comfortable atop the teal blades of glass.

“But hyung! You didn’t even read the note, you don’t understand what it means!”

“We all read it Jimin-ah! What in Terra’s name are you talking about—?”

“Let’s not f*cking fight about this.” Namjoon grumbled as he relaxed against the tree, the plant graciously welcoming him, sighing in content as it was graced by the herbal-earth mage’s presence. “Taehyung simply left that note telling us that he’s sorry for leaving early due to having a family emergency to tend to and that we’d see him at the academy. There’s nothing to freak out about Jimin-ah, it’s harmless.”

“It’s not!” The water mage exclaimed as he jumped to his feet, the entire group jolting in surprise by the younger’s outburst.

“Jimin!” Yoongi seethed through gritted teeth, eyes from onlookers now being drawn to them.

“NO! You guys might be okay with this but I’m not! Something is wrong! I feel it in my gut! And if you guys don’t want to do anything about it, I’m going to someone who will!” The mage immediately turned heel and sprinted back into the academy.

“f*cking hell!” Namjoon cursed as he rushed to his feet, quickly following behind his childhood friend, the rest of them instantly giving chase after the herbal-earth mage’s lead.

They all shouted at the water mage to stop or slow down as he sprinted through the halls of the academy, but Jimin didn’t stop for any of them, at least not till he was standing before a large pair white of doors; their crescent insignia glittering starlight onto Jimin’s being as he barged through the entrance much to the horror of his friends.

“Jimin!” they all exclaimed as he charged into their headmistress’s office.

“Headmistress Kim!” Jimin began, out of breath but eyes fueled with determination as he stood before Si-U who was shocked to see him. “I’m sorry for intruding so suddenly but I’m concerned about my friend, Kim Taehyung! We were all hanging out last night but while we slept, he left in the middle of the night without a word! I know it’s not like us to meddle in other’s business, but I need to know if he’s okay. I’m sure you’re aware of his family situation so—” Si-U’s eyes slightly widened at that but before Jimin could continue, the rest of the boys caught up to him.

Jungkook quickly wrapped his strong arms around Jimin’s petite stature, picking up the mage, as he began dragging him outside of their headmistress’s office; Jimin thrashing in Jungkook’s hold as his hyungs spewed endless apologies to their headmistress.

“We’re so sorry about him Headmistress Kim!” Hobi exclaimed, radiant skin slightly paled at having to face his headmistress and apologize for Jimin’s abrupt rudeness.

“We tried to stop him from disturbing you.” Namjoon added as he stepped forward to provide Hobi with some support.

“We don’t know what’s gotten into him this morning!” Jin stated mind racing with possible excuses to give for Jimin’s behavior.

“And we know he’s exaggerating about Taehyung-ah, but that doesn’t excuse him barging in here and—” a low whine immediately halted the conversation, Yoongi’s words silencing themselves as everyone turned their attention toward the far-right corner of Si-U’s desk.

Yeontan, who looked like he was in physical pain, slowly waddled out from behind Si-U’s desk, little ears drooping as he lowly cried, looking so depressed, pale, and hurt that everyone immediately grew alarmed merely at the sight of him. Si-U was quick to pick him up and place him atop her lap, but the boys had already seen enough.

Perhaps Jimin was right to be concerned.

Jungkook slowly released the water mage from his grasp, the elder done thrashing in his hold, as everyone stared at their headmistress in dark suspicion. “Why do you have Yeontan? And why isn’t he with Taehyung-ah?” Yoongi demanded, eyes darkening as he glared at her in suspicion.

“Taehyung-ssi left him with me this morning; he needed someone to look after him while he dealt with an… emergency.” She stressed, not fazed by the dark mage’s intense gaze though she was sweating from Jimin’s words. Did Taehyung truly tell them about his familial life? Surely not… right? He had too much to lose, she thought.

“That makes no sense! Taehyung never goes anywhere without Yeontan!” Jimin exclaimed, “They’re literally glued to each other, there’s no reason for him to leave Yeontan behind.” Jungkook added, innocent gaze hardening in a silent anger upon seeing the miserable familiar.

“As I said, he left him with me to take care of some important things. He’ll be back by the end of today, he reassured me of such.” She stated, resuming what she was doing, shuffling some papers atop her desk, and completely ignoring the boys; their anger growing by the second from her actions.

“But Yeontan’s in pain,” Namjoon stressed, eyes narrowed as he gazed at her, “You haven’t done anything to try to subdue his discomfort?”

“I don’t have the time Namjoon-ssi—”

“Then why let him suffer!? Surely if Taehyung-ah left you to take care of his familiar— no his best friend, he’d expect him to be taken care of!”

Si-U sighed, knowing that Namjoon was right. However, she was a busy woman and with the council now back to breathing down Taehyung’s neck, that meant she needed to be prepared for anything that may result from that meeting; especially if that included Taehyung being forced into becoming their vessel of destruction once again. Unfortunately, her preparation led her to neglect her nephew’s dearest familiar. She knew Yeontan didn’t hold it against her; if he did, he would’ve done something about it. But perhaps she wasn’t the best to be taking care of him right now while Taehyung was absent. Especially since Yeontan’s condition has worsened ever since her nephew left him behind, crying nonstop all morning and growing rather sluggish, a drastic opposition to his rambunctious behavior.

It broke her heart to see him that way and she knew that Taehyung would be furious if he found him in such a state upon his return. With a heavy heart, she removed the glasses perched comfortably atop her nose and carefully picked the Hellion off her lap; Yeontan whining in distress as she did so. Yoongi quickly reached for the familiar, taking him from her with gentle hands, tattooed fingers immediately combing through his fur making Yeontan curl into the dark mage’s arms, instantly finding comfort in them; just like his master did.

“You’re right Namjoon-ssi, I’m afraid I am unfit to be looking after him right now. Poor thing has been in such a distressed state since Taehyung-ssi left hours ago. Yet with the numerous affairs needing my attention right now, I haven’t had the time to properly see to his condition. That is why until Taehyung returns, I’m entrusting Yeontan’s care onto you six. As his friends, who seem to care deeply for both him and his familiar, and some of the most powerful mages this academy has to offer, I have faith you’ll take good care of him till his master’s return. Can I entrust you with this, boys?”

Yoongi eyes drifted from the curled familiar tucked tightly into his arms to his headmistress, not entirely sure how to feel about the situation as his mind ran rampant. What kind of severity was this emergency for the Tae to leave Yeontan behind? Why was their headmistress watching Yeontan and not someone closer to Taehyung? Was Jimin right to be worried about him? Answers to his questions merely led to more queries Yoongi didn’t have the time nor energy to ponder. But what he did know was that Yeontan needed their help, so with a soft nod he agreed to Si-U’s terms; the rest of his friends agreeing immediately after.

Si-U smiled in response, posture seeming to relax, “Thank you, I’m sure Yeontan will be much happier staying with people he’s already familiar with. Taehyung-ssi should be back before today’s end though should you need anything from me, my door will be open.”

The boys nodded though before they could ask their headmistress for more a soft, melodic ding echoed throughout the office and the adjacent hallway. “Classes will begin soon; you all best be off. Don’t want you all to be late…” She trailed, mind seeming to be preoccupied with something else. None of the boys bothered commenting on it as they bid their headmistress farewell and entered the crowded halls of the academy.

“What do we do now?” Hobi asked as they paced through the corridors, not caring for the many bodies passing them by nor the fear of being late to class.

“Take care of him I guess.” Yoongi shrugged, pale fingers gently running through Yeontan’s fur once again as a low whine escaped the familiar, still in distress but seemingly in a much better state than before.

“But how? Last I checked none of us are familiar babysitters.” Jin commented, the truth stinging much harder than he meant but it was true; none of them had ever taken care of a familiar before, after all they’re a rarity nowadays.

“While that may be true, hyung, I think I know where to start…” Namjoon trailed, hazel eyes drifting from Yoongi’s cradled arms to Jin’s ivory gaze. “Well, it seems like you’ll have this covered Joon-ah, but please keep us posted. I’d hate for something to go south and not have everyone aware.”

“Trust me hyung, you all will be the first to know.” He said before turning his gaze to Yoongi’s violet eyes that were already watching him, “Yoongi-hyung, do you mind missing your first period to accompany me?”

“Skipping History of the Damned 215 on a morning like this? Hell yeah.” Namjoon nodded, turning toward the rest with a firm expression, “We’ll see you all at lunch, yeah?” Everyone nodded, all dispersing in different directions for their morning classes as both the herbal-earth and the dark mages stuck together.

“I’m assuming me accompanying you has something to do with Yeontan correct?” Yoongi asked as the pair turned a corner, the halls now becoming scarce as the minutes ticked by.

Namjoon nodded, “He seems rather attached to you hyung. I don’t think he’d be fond of going solely with me or anyone else for that matter. Yeontan being with you while his master is gone honestly makes the most sense. Especially since you and Taehyung have such a… unique connection.” At the mention of Taehyung, Yoongi’s cheeks warmed but he kept his expression neutral as Namjoon continued, “I saw the way you two danced last night, how intimate it was. It was quite the shock, you’re not the affectionate type hyung.”

“I’m well aware Joon-ah…” he paused before continuing, “I don’t know what’s gotten into me but whenever he’s around suddenly the room gets brighter, a-and the world doesn’t seem as f*cked up as we all know it to be! I can’t seem to escape him, he’s just so… irresistible.”

Namjoon smirked as he pushed open the door to his foliage chemistry class, the professor paying him no mind as the pair traveled to the back of the room while the remaining students listened in on their teacher’s instructions for the morning’s experiment. “Odd how quickly you grew fond of him hyung, considering you’ve always had it out for those of the higher class.”

“Taehyung isn’t like that Joon-ah, you know that.”

“I do, but I also know he at least seems to be familiar with such status considering how well informed he is about the academy and those working within it. How he convinced Headmistress Kim to watch Yeontan is beyond me.” Yoongi silently nodded, mind running with thoughts on what Namjoon said.

He knows that he and Taehyung haven’t known each other for very long; there were things about each other they have yet to indulge the other in, yet Yoongi can’t deny the pull within him each time he’s seen the younger. Even from their first, true encounter, he found Taehyung mesmerizing. There’s something about him that’s different from those with the, potential, status that he has. He’s different. He can’t explain it, but he knows he is.

Maybe that’s why he’s so drawn to him.

“Who knows, perhaps you’re finally ready to get dicked down. Taehyung is hot after all.”

Yoongi choked on air as he glared at Namjoon with pink dusted cheeks, seething between gritted teeth for the younger to shut up. The herbal-earth mage just laughed as he began to actually follow along with the class, getting his vials and materials set up for the assigned experiment.

“You’re an absolute menace Kim Namjoon.”

“I’m well aware hyung~” he purred, the older rolling his violet eyes at him, ignoring him to now pay attention to the familiar who was stirring in his arms. Yoongi cooed at Yeontan, shushing him as he began to whine once more, little body shaking as he did his best to curl back into Yoongi’s warm embrace.


“Already on it hyung.” He said, pouring mixtures of all sorts of colors together into a thin, glass flask. Yoongi watched him with curious eyes, wondering what he was doing. And it was as if the younger was reading his mind because he immediately answered the dark mage’s inquiry.

“A few weeks ago, in my Creatures of the Universe 207 class we were discussing familiars and where they come from. As far as everyone’s aware, familiars come from the now sealed off twentieth realm where they’re better known as Hellions, creatures gifted with extremely powerful magic who lived happily alongside the universe till the war ten years ago; their ability to create new links with powerful mages being severed. But what isn’t widely known is that once a Hellion and a mage establish a bond, the two beings become linked. Of course, they can amplify each other’s magic and communicate telepathically, but their feelings are also connected. When one is sad, the other can sense it. When one is in pain, the pain is felt by them both. Etcetera. If my hypothesis is correct, I think that perhaps Taehyung isn’t having… the best familial emergency right now and Yeontan is merely reacting to what his master is feeling.”

Yoongi’s jaw tightened, “Do you think Jimin knew this and that’s why he was so concerned about Taehyung?”

Namjoon hummed as he transferred the concoction into a larger beaker, heating up the mixture as it turned from a light tan to a vibrant rosy pink. “Perhaps… I think when they both disappeared at the club last night, they had a heart to heart about more than whatever Jimin was hung up on. And from that confession, it led to them becoming close and perhaps Taehyung shared something intimate with him regarding his personal life.”

“That would make sense…” Yoongi trailed as Namjoon swirled the pink liquid, watching it slowly turn burgundy after becoming free from the heat. The younger turned around, rummaging through the cupboards behind him before fetching a small glass cup from its grasp.

“I wouldn’t be too sure till we talk to Jimin about this, but I’m convinced that whatever Taehyung is going through right now is affecting Yeontan and due to them being separated, he’s mainly reacting to it without having much to do to distract himself from it. Which is why after prodding my professor for more information about the topic after my class—”

“Typical.” Yoongi snickered, making Namjoon roll his eyes.

“He told me about an elixir that can essentially numb the effects of a familial bond within either the Hellion itself or the mage it’s connected to. But the concoction had practically become a myth because no records of it had ever been found. I had to do a lot of digging in my family’s archives to find it but thankfully my determination led me to my answer days later. All Yeontan has to do is drink this and he’ll slowly be unable to feel Taehyung through their bond, minimizing his suffering till he returns later tonight.” He finished, nudging his head toward the sleeping Hellion who once again began to stir in Yoongi’s arms.

The dark mage carefully turned Yeontan around, lifting his snout up toward the little glass Namjoon had out in front of him. Out of sheer curiosity the familiar took a careful sniff of the liquid but immediately turned himself away from it.

Yoongi’s heart broke at the sight, but he didn’t want the familiar to suffer any more than he needed to. “Yeontan, hey, look at me.” He cooed, the Pomeranian raising a tired head to look at the elder, eyes seeming looking far away from the present moment and it made Yoongi’s heart sink further.

“I know you’re in a lot of pain right now and Namjoon and I know it has something to do with your bond with Taehyung. We don’t know what your master is doing right now nor where in the universe he may be, but we know that what he’s feeling and experiencing is hurting you too. Why he didn’t take you with him, I don’t have the answer to. But I do know that if you drink this little potion Namjoon mixed for you, you won’t be able to feel his side of the bond. And before you say no, I know that your tie with him is beyond special, it’s far too precious to ignore but I don’t think Taehyung would want you suffering because of him, right?” Yoongi’s violet eyes searched Yeontan’s dark orbs trying to find some reassurance and though it took longer than he anticipated, he found it as the Hellion nodded.

“Then let’s get you feeling better, okay? It’s only temporary, just until Taehyung comes back alright?” Yeontan didn’t respond, merely taking slow, hesitant licks of the burgundy elixir. He took his time drinking it all, making sure to grab each drop before tucking himself back into Yoongi’s arms, posture already seeming more relaxed than it was before.

The dark mage let out a sigh of relief as he sat back in his chair, “Rest Yeontan, you deserve it.” The Pomeranian’s black orbs closed shut after hearing Yoongi’s words, soft snores echoing through his tiny body as Namjoon began cleaning up his little impromptu experiment before moving onto the potion his class was supposed to be enacting.

“Thanks for doing that Joon-ah…”

“It’s no problem hyung, gotta make sure your boyfriend’s familiar is all better before he gets back, right?”

Yoongi cursed at him before smacking him, Namjoon merely laughing as he measured other ingredients. “He’s not my damn boyfriend!” He seethed.

“Not with that attitude.”

“Oh, for Terra’s sake!” Yoongi pleaded, using his free arm to hide his face, cheeks burning from embarrassment.

“Relax hyung, I won’t tell anyone. Even though you and I both know Jin and Hobi-hyung would have a field day with that sort of news.”

“I swear if you tell them I will do everything I can to get you six feet under this damn academy.”

“You’ve got me in your corner right now hyung, there’s no need for blackmail. Seeing you trying to woo Taehyung is entertainment in of itself.”

“You’re never letting me live this down, are you?” Yoongi trailed with a sigh.


“Great.” Yoongi huffed, knowing that he was in for a long ride. Though knowing that he’d be able to see Taehyung by the day’s end and be praised for taking such care of his familiar made it all worth it, even if his stomach was fluttering with butterflies at the thought.

Though he wouldn’t dare admit that aloud.


“Any word from Taehyung-ah yet?” Hobi asked as the group settled in the living room, all sprawled across multiple corners of the room as they all agreed to gather at Seokjin’s dorm once the day had concluded. While most of their school day was uneventful, the discourse flying around about them having Yeontan spread through the academy like wildfire, everyone pointing out how the familiar was without his master for the first time since they’ve laid within the school’s walls.

The stares, cruel words, and horrid rumors made the group eager to silence their fragile egos. Yet they knew better than to indulge in the drama, so they kept quiet even though for some of them it wasn’t exactly easy to lay down their hostility.

“Not yet, I hate that we’ve literally gone through the whole day without a single word…” Jungkook pouted as he leaned against the couch’s armrest, the air mage seeming blue at the lack of news.

“I’m sure he’ll be back soon, perhaps he ran into portal lag. It’s that time of day after all…” Jin trailed, turning his blonde head towards the far end of the room where the sun’s setting rays were just barely crawling into the abode, bathing the space in a beautiful golden hue.

“Mmm could be…” Jungkook murmured before sighing, sinking into the chair rather dramatically. Jimin rolled his eyes at the scene before turning his attention to the door as the knob started to jangle; jumping to his feet as both Yoongi and Namjoon walked through the entrance.

“Hyungs! You’re back!” he exclaimed, “What did Headmistress Kim say?” the water mage impatiently asked, gray eyes glittering in anticipation as the two males entered the room.

Yoongi sighed as he rolled out his shoulders, Yeontan emitting a low huff at the movement, “She barely gave us anything to go off of…” he trailed as he made his way to the couch, Jungkook eagerly extending his arms out to hold the familiar. Yoongi complied, gently passing the Hellion to the younger to have someone else in charge of him for a bit.

Jimin frowned, “What do you mean?”

“She was vague when we asked her if she’s heard anything. Almost as if bringing it up was taboo even though she insisted we reach out!” Yoongi stressed as he collapsed into his chair, sighing into the cushions as Jungkook cooed at Yeontan, gently petting him as the Hellion’s dark eyes intently followed the conversation.

Namjoon nodded, “Despite that, it seems even she doesn’t know why Taehyung isn’t back nor if… he even will.”

“Come on now, there’s no way Tae wouldn’t come back! He’s not the type!” Hobi exclaimed as he sat up from sprawling atop the floor, he too now engrossed in the conversation.

“We’re well aware Hob-ah,” Yoongi began, rubbing at his eyes before too sat up in his seat, “But without any way of contacting Taehyung-ah there’s no way to know that for sure. All we have is Headmistress Kim’s words and even she isn’t of much help! Her actions prove such!” He asserted, frustrated but also fearful of Taehyung’s safety; the thought of Yeontan being a mirror to Taehyung’s current state haunted him as the day progressed.

The group sighed, an indignant air now brewing between them as they sat in silence; Namjoon being the only one brave enough to break it. “Jimin-ah…” he began, the auburn male perking upon hearing his name as he sat beside Jin. “What did Tae tell you last night when you two talked?”

“Hyung—” Jimin began, gentle gaze hardening as he knew what Namjoon was asking was rather personal.

“I know, I know!” Namjoon began, “But we need to know what he told you. Once familiars – erm Hellions rather establish a bond between them and their masters, depending on how deep and true the connection is, even the slightest mental, physical, and emotional abnormality can be felt by both parties.” He paused, letting his words sink in.

“And as we all know, Taehyung and Yeontan’s bond goes deeper than anything we’ll probably ever know. Which is why it’s important we know what he shared with you because if Taehyung’s familial state isn’t as ‘perfect’ as the rumors make it out to be, then we have a lot more to be concerned about.” Namjoon finished added, his hazel gaze shifted to Yeontan who was curled up beside Jungkook atop the soft couch cushions, everyone turning their gaze to the little creature; recalling just how distressed he was when they first encountered him earlier that morning.

Jimin sighed, running a hand through his copper locks that were slowly returning to black before locking gazes with the herbal-earth mage; the two having a silent stare off. When either of the childhood friends need to share something important with each other, holding eye contact for roughly a minute is always enacted. From what Yoongi’s gathered, it’s like a silent pact the two made in which they promise that whatever their sharing won’t change their friendship nor skew their views of each other.

The dark mage has always found the act silly, but tonight seeing it reenacted once more he thinks he finally understood why they do it.

Jimin was the first to blink, releasing another deep breath as he leaned forward, placing his elbows atop his knees as he recalled what Taehyung had shared with him last night. “You all must promise me that whatever is said, stays in this room. Taehyung confided in me as an effort to sympathize with my previous resentment toward him. I don’t know how he’ll react should he find out I’m sharing it without his permission.”

“We promise Jimin-ah, we won’t say anything till he tells us himself.” Jin assured; ivory gaze full of assurance as he locked eyes with the younger. Jimin nodded as everyone pledged their agreement, squeezing his hands in anticipation before sharing.

“We all recall the hostility I had for Taehyung even before we personally met… though back then I never voiced what exactly put me off about him, it was envy that fueled my initial hatred of him. I envied how he was able to remain hidden from society’s brutal gaze even though he’s such a prominent, powerful, and eye-catching mage. I couldn’t believe or understand how someone could possibly hide with status such as his – how his family would even allow such a thing! But… that’s exactly what him and I have in common. The only thing that differs is that his family isn’t exactly his own…”

“What do you mean Jimin-ah?” Hobi asked, vermillion eyes completely engrossed in the younger’s words.

“He’s adopted, hyung. Taehyung has never had parents, nor does he have anyone he can truly call family. The only beings that fit that intimate description are Yeontan and his aunt who is the closest thing to a blood relative he has. Yet he wasn’t raised by her even though she fought hard for his custody. In the end, his wellbeing and care was bestowed onto others he didn’t even know. He didn’t mention who exactly these people were but from what he did say, they’re not exactly the greatest.” He trailed, taking another breath before sharing more.

“Like any being in the universe’s higher circle, they craved the status he brought them, as such they hid him from the public eye till they deemed he was a ‘perfect’ fit for society. He had no control over his life, no one else to truly rely on, and every decision was made through their manipulation. If this sounds familiar it should, after all my family are the same. You all know how they are; how they pushed every single generation to be the best even though their idea of perfection is out of date and outright cruel. Taehyung reminds me a lot of myself but unlike me, he has a lot more sympathy for others, despite what he went through… that’s why he told me that even though there’s hostility, we’re far more alike than what I initially thought. Though I envied him, he too envied me for we both had something the other desperately wanted… Regardless of circ*mstances, sharing this gave me closure and allowed us to put grudges aside and be friends. But what he shared is exactly why I was on edge this morning when we couldn’t find him once we all awoke. I’m still worried about him… for if his caretakers are even remotely akin to my own, then I was right to be concerned after reading that note…”

Silence filled the room as everyone processed Jimin’s words. It made a lot more sense why the pair suddenly shifted from subtle, yet bold, animosity to buddy-buddy within the hour the previous night. Trauma can bond even the worst of enemies, it’s no wonder that it worked for both them. Though Yoongi didn’t expect that type of trauma to be the one they bonded over.

“Poor Taehyung-hyung…” Jungkook trailed, feeling guilty for the mage not having a family nor people to truly rely on. None of them could imagine living without having each other, let alone some of their dearest family members. To think their newest friend had to go through life mostly alone was heartbreaking.

“It must’ve been so lonely…” Yoongi whispered, his heart aching at the thought of little Tae growing up with no one to rely on.

“You don’t think… they’ve been abusing him, do you?” Jin asked, words soft despite their heavy implications.

Namjoon released a breath of uncertainty, “I-It’s hard to tell hyung… but it might not be entirely off the table. Afterall, if Yeontan’s condition this morning was even a slight comparison to how Taehyung-ah is right now, we’d be fools to think otherwise.”

“I thought after dealing with Yoongi-hyung’s and Jiminie’s families we’d be done with inhumane relatives, but I guess not.” Hobi commented, placing his head atop Jimin’s knee, welcoming the younger’s gentle touch as it raked through the elder’s white locks.

Yoongi scoffed, “Superiority always comes with a damn price.” He said with a sneer, hating how things have come to this. It was bad enough that his family wasn’t exactly the most welcoming and that Jimin’s was outright cruel to him and his siblings all because they want to preserve a legacy that died decades ago. The two of them have had sh*tty hands growing up and thanks to their friends they were able to get through it with support and love that wasn’t based on accomplishments and material wealth. To think that Taehyung had none of that and was left to his ‘caretakers’ greed made the dark mage sick to his stomach.

“What do we do now hyungs?” Jungkook asked, dark brown orbs oozing with concern as the hand that was petting Yeontan came to a stop; far too uneasy to continue the action.

“The only thing we can do Kook, wait. Even if it’s hard…” Yoongi muttered, everyone slowing nodding their heads in agreement, although the act was causing distress by the minute. But what else could they do? None of them had a way to contact Taehyung nor check in. Perhaps they could use Yeontan, but they had to subdue the Hellion’s abilities to cease his suffering, his connection to his master is far weaker now than what it was earlier when they first found him; what could they do without causing more distress?

With a pained hearts, the group vowed to stick together and take care of Yeontan till Taehyung returned. They weren’t sure how much longer he’d be gone but they hoped he’d return soon. In the meantime, they’d each visit their Headmistress and beg, if they must, for an update on their friend. Any news was better than nothing and though it may seem, at least to her, that they may be blowing this entire thing out of proportion, she doesn’t know what they do.

Taehyung could be in danger, and they weren’t about to let something like that slide. So, they’d keep going, protecting his best friend as they anticipated his arrival.

They only hoped the waiting game wouldn’t last too long.


“Knock, knock Hyung! It’s morning! And it’s your turn to take care of Yeontan!” Jungkook exclaimed as he burst into Yoongi’s dorm, the elder groaning at being awoken by the younger.

Yoongi turned within his bed, lifting the covers closer to his head as he tried to hide from Jungkook’s radiant aura and return to his slumber. Though his efforts were futile as the air mage set Yeontan down atop the elder’s bed before pulling back the large, thick blackout curtains shielding the abode from the sun’s blinding rays. A string of curses left the dark mage’s parted lips as Jungkook happily pranced around the room.

How the younger could be so chipper at this hour was something Yoongi would never be able to understand.

“If you dawdle hyung, Jin-hyung won’t save you any breakfast! We’ll see you at the cafeteria!” Jungkook exclaimed before exiting the dorm, his arrival brief but his impression impactful. Yoongi sighed, his whole body complaining as he tried to lull himself back to sleep. Yet his mind was wide awake.

With another groan leaving him, Yoongi opened his tired, violet eyes, gaze locking with Yeontan who was staring back at him. The familiar looked much better than he did a week ago, the potion Namjoon consistently gave him brought Yeontan’s old self back, even if that distant look in his eyes remained. They all could relate, not hearing anything from their newest friend nor getting any leads from their headmistress wasn’t ideal, especially after a week since his disappearance. Though they persevered and as Yoongi rubbed the death out of his eyes, he gave Yeontan a soft morning pet before rising, feet softly padding atop the spruce floorboards, not caring for the eyes slowly following him.

“Tell me Yeontan, is Tae a morning person or is he more of a night owl?” the elder asked as he ran a hand through his long, dark locks, rummaging through his drawers for a fresh uniform to dress in.

He eyed the familiar as he tossed the clothing into the inner crevice of his arm, wondering if he would answer him before realizing that the Hellion couldn’t actually speak to him like he could to Taehyung. “Oh right, perhaps this will help.” He began, closing one drawer only to open another, “Lift your paw in the air once for morning, twice for night, or three times for both.” Yoongi stated as he turned to rummage for a pair of socks.

Once his gaze locked onto Yeontan again, he watched as the Hellion lifted his paw twice, answering the elder’s question; the response made Yoongi giddy. “I had a feeling,” he stated with a chuckle, “Though he does radiate light, don’t you think?” Yeontan nodded, and the response made another grin break out across the elder’s face.

“You keep teaching me more about Taehyung every day, I appreciate the gesture, truly.” He said, giving the Hellion a final pet before disappearing into the bathroom to change, not wanting to be late and get an earful from Jin about sleeping in again. Sue him for liking his rest!

Though as he threw on his blazer and began working on straightening his tie, something just felt… off about today. He couldn’t quite place his finger on the sensation, nor why he was suddenly feeling uneasy. His gut told him to be careful and keep his guard up and though Yoongi isn’t the type to believe in superstitions, he always listened to his intuition. He could only hope that his instincts weren’t on edge for something pointless.

With anxiety slowly trickling through his veins, the dark mage quickly finished up in the restroom before grabbing his bag and scooping Yeontan into his arms as he left the dormitory, hoping this feeling wouldn’t last for much longer.


“Can you believe the look they gave us!? Beings today don’t have an ounce of respect in them!” Jin ranted as the group pursued through the slowly filling halls, leaving the cafeteria early after a disgruntled encounter with their peers who couldn’t seem to mind their own f*cking business.

“You know how they are, hyung, no use in dwelling on it.” Namjoon commented as the group turned another corner, giving a quick greeting to familiar faces from other close colleagues as they passed them through the halls.

“I’m well aware, Joon-ah, but for Terra’s sake if Jackson didn’t step in to diffuse the tension, I would’ve gladly given the three of them nightmares for the next week!” The group burst into laughter from their hyung’s words even though they all knew his statement held nothing but truth. Jin hyung’s breakfast isn’t something to be disturbed, they all know that by now, and today makes no difference, especially if that disturbance involved prissy students who wanted to talk sh*t about their missing Morningstar mage who still hadn’t returned to retrieve his familiar.

One week. Taehyung had been gone for days and though the group tries to remain positive and keep a light atmosphere when they’re together, while taking turns caring for Yeontan, it was hard to ignore the looming reality they found themselves in. Though they knew Taehyung wouldn’t abandon the Hellion, the hope of him coming back had begun to look rather bleak. Which is why pointless, yet amusing, rants such as this kept them going; without it, they’d almost resemble the Hellion on the first day they encountered him without his master.

That’s how much they cared for Taehyung, and how much they missed him.

As Jimin began telling the illusion mage that he should’ve just given the brats nightmares despite Jackson’s involvement, Yeontan suddenly perked up within Hobi’s arms, startling him. “Yeontan? What’s—” before Hobi could finish his sentence, the Hellion suddenly began thrashing in his hold making the elder yelp in surprise. The group turned toward the chaos in shock, asking what had happened.

“I don’t know he just—!” Once again, the light mage was interrupted by the Pomeranian, only this time Yeontan had escaped Hobi’s grasp and began sprinting down the hall at top speed. The boys exclaimed at the familiar to wait up, them all beginning to chase after him not caring for who they bumped into so long as they kept the Hellion in sight.

“Coming through! Move it!” Yoongi shouted as the group turned yet another sharp corner, startling fellow students as they sped past them, not caring for the curses and shouts thrown their way; all of them desperately trying to keep up with Yeontan as the little Hellion sped through the halls. Jungkook, who was leading the group with his otherworldly stamina and keeping up with the surprisingly fast Hellion suddenly skidded to a halt as they all stumbled ‘round another corner, making the group all crash into him. Thankfully, no one was hurt but as they all regained their bearings and questioned the younger on why he suddenly stilled, their answer was staring them right in the face.

Yoongi’s violet eyes sparkled as he saw Taehyung standing there before him, bending down to pet Yeontan whose tail was waging furiously at being reunited with his master. It’d been one unbearable week without seeing the mage’s stunning features nor his brilliant smile and seeing it displayed before him made the universe glow once more, and the revelation had the dark mage’s heart beating rapidly.

Though his heart stilled in concern as the Morningstar mage slowly rose to his feet.

Although Taehyung was dressed in his uniform, it was tattered and torn in some areas; the deep blue fabric of his blazer covered in debris that spread across the younger’s body. Taehyung’s gentle hands were painted in callouses and fresh scars that weren’t fully healed. The wounds were joined by a deep claw mark engrained atop the mage’s darkened left cheek, the injury demanding attention and though it was healing, it was still fresh; Yoongi’s eyes watching as a drop of red slowly ooze from the mark and slither down Taehyung’s cheek before the younger’s wrist rose to wipe it off.

It was then the two locked eyes with each other.

While Taehyung’s pupils shrank in surprise from catching Yoongi’s gaze, they quickly returned to normal upon recognition. And though the Morningstar mage’s golden eyes shined with their familiar warmth, it was clear to the elder that Taehyung wasn’t fully here, exhaustion outlining his features as his entire demeanor screamed with fatigue. The dark mage’s heart broke, hand reaching for the mage but was interrupted as a new voice cut through the chaos.

“Oi Kim!” The voice called, turning everyone’s attention from Taehyung to the male it belonged to; and everyone immediately scowled at who it was.

“Kyujoon.” Jimin spat, gaze brewing with fury as he watched the bully and his goons take slow, calculated strides toward Taehyung, ignoring everyone else around him for he was their target.

Taehyung didn’t acknowledge the bully, merely turning to look at him with a hardened expression. Kyujoon didn’t seem to care for Tae’s lack of acknowledgement, resuming his spiel once he had the mage’s eyes on him.

“Well, well~ Looks like you didn’t kick the bucket after all. I’m glad to see you, I truly am. Afterall, I still got a bone to pick with you.”

Taehyung shook his head in displeasure, deep voice that was deeper than Yoongi remembered it being, filling the void before them. “I’m not in the mood Kyujoon…”

“That’s too bad, cause I am. You higher class pricks always want to dictate things on your own accord! Forcing other beings to work around you and your time! But you’ll never have me submitting to your rules, Kim Taehyung!”

Tae turned to fully face Kyujoon, sharp golden eyes burning holes into the delinquent; the gaze so intimidating, it made his lackies take a staggered step back. Though the bully held his ground despite the slight shake Yoongi noticed arising in the Kyujoon’s hands.

“What do you want?” Taehyung demanded, the question being a simple one though it was quite insistent, commanding attention as it flew across the hall, catching Kyujoon by surprise who stuttered to get his words out.

“H-Humiliating me at the cafeteria, making me an outcast, and giving me suspension for only speaking the truth – I didn’t deserve any of it! And you know it! Nothing I did deserved that sort of treatment—!”

Taehyung cut in before he could continue, already knowing where this was going. “You brought illegal substrates used for magical warfare into an academy, let alone a realm, that prohibits them all so you could use them against a student you can’t tolerate all because he’s better than you? You brought this onto yourself, Kyujoon! I think that calls for more than what you received. Let alone the idiocy of actually going through with it.” Taehyung bristled as he took a step closer to Kyujoon, all the light in him vanishing as a cold wave washed over him, that familiar rage filling him yet again.

The bully shivered as he watched those golden eyes turn scarlet, now beginning to sweat as Taehyung’s sharp eyes caught his every move. “Do you really think you deserve pity for that, Kyujoon? An apology for your foolishness that almost got Jungkook, and tens of other students killed? It’s laughable really, how pathetic you are for believing you deserve sympathy for such recklessness.” Taehyung spat, but he didn’t flinch as anger slowly overtook the bully’s features.

“Say that again.” Kyujoon threatened, taking a daring step forward.

“You’re pathetic for thinking your actions don’t have f*cking consequences! Especially when such foolishness puts innocent f*cking lives in unnecessary danger.” Taehyung seethed, enunciating every word as he stared the negligent boy down, completely unfazed.

Kyujoon began heaving in anger, steam emitting from his skin as his dark eyes shook in fury while remaining locked with Taehyung’s, enraged by the elder’s words. Though the mage remained composed, not caring for such an outburst. Even as Kyujoon’s fist burst with bright, orange flames and rose to strike him, Tae remained unfazed. Though the Morningstar mage was faster than Kyujoon, quickly catching the bully’s fist within his palm, watching as the delinquent’s flames burned him all while having no reaction.

Tae tilted his head rather curiously as his ruby eyes drifted from Kyujoon’s fist trapped in his, before trailing back to the bully’s eyes who were now shaking in fear. “Pitiful.” Taehyung spat, squeezing Kyujoon’s flame licked fist so hard the bones within them shattered, snuffing the fire burning the mage’s palm and leaving a dark trail of smoke in its wake. Kyujoon let out a gut retching cry as he tried to yank his hand out of Taehyung’s grip, but the mage wouldn’t budge. Tae let Kyujoon squirm for a few moments longer, letting the bully recognize his faults before the mage released him, only to use his opposing hand to deck the younger in the face, sending him flying into his lackies who just barely caught him.

As his peers who now began flooding the halls began to murmur from witnessing the sudden display, Taehyung merely stared down at Kyujoon, who was sobbing in distress, with nothing but disgust, no regret in him from his actions.

“Maybe that’ll teach you a lesson for once in your f*cking life.” He hissed before turning heel, not caring for the blood that was dripping from his boiled palm nor the pain it brought him.

And as Taehyung’s orbs locked with Yoongi’s once more, the dark mage gasped as he watched the animosity instantly disappear from him; ruby returning to gold as Tae’s uninjured hand rose to his head, a throbbing pain echoing within it from the ordeal. Yoongi couldn’t hold back any longer, pushing past the rest of the group to make his way to the Morningstar mage.

Instead of lecturing him on his actions, nag at him on how he handled the situation, nor pester him about being gone for so long, Taehyung was shocked when Yoongi engulfed him in a bone crushing hug.

“Thank Terra you’re alright…” he whispered into Taehyung’s stiffened embrace. The mage didn’t know how to react, staring at the elder in surprise as he tightened his grip around Taehyung’s torso. And as Yoongi’s hold strengthened the mage found himself reaching for his warmth. Slowly, Taehyung fell into the elder’s embrace, forehead clinging to the crevice of Yoongi’s neck as his disheveled locks fell onto the dark mage’s shoulder and arms lay drooping at his side, leaning all his weight onto Yoongi as his golden eyes slowly closed.

Yoongi didn’t mind the sudden heaviness, instead leaning into it as he felt the adrenaline leave the younger’s body, replacing it with the fatigue he’d been hiding behind since he arrived. The others let the two have their moment before they too were engulfing the pair in a hug, giving Taehyung reassuring squeezes and murmurs on how they’re all glad he’s back in one piece.

Taehyung’s never felt so whole, and he couldn’t help the single tear that fell from his tired eyes, nuzzling into Yoongi’s firm yet soft hold as the tear disappeared into the fabric of the elder’s uniform, finally feeling at peace after a long week of turmoil.

Spellbound - Chapter 10 - kiminikii - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Views: 5243

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.